The Magic of Masks with Michelle Lassaline, at Legislature Feb. 24
Feb. 20, 2016
Carson City native Michelle Lassaline is featured in a special SENarts event at the Nevada Legislature from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24. Lassaline invites the public to meet and interact with some of her fanciful characters, including the Highland Cow, Pashmina Goat, Mountain Bluebird, and Wild Burro. Her presentation is part of “The Work of Artists,” a series of programs scheduled throughout the legislative session. Admission is free.
Lassaline’s performances and interactive workshops in her hand-made papier-mâché animal masks draw audiences of all ages. Her work has been featured at the Nevada Museum of Art, Sierra Arts Foundation, St. Mary’s Art Center, UNR and Sierra Nevada College.
“The Work of Artists” is presented by the Nevada Arts Council, a division of the Nevada Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, SENarts and Capital City Arts Initiative. SENarts is a partnership between the Nevada Senate, Nevada Arts Council, Nevada Division of Museums and History and the Brewery Arts Center. In a small and welcoming environment, each artist will offer insight into the work they do, the art they make and the talent it takes to produce their treasures.