Basin to Range Exchange

creating statewide collaboration through art & community
BRX 2023 Participants in Ely, NV.

Save the Date! BRX 2025 – May 7-9 Ely


The Nevada Basin to Range Exchange (BRX) supports, promotes and celebrates statewide collaboration through arts, culture, and community.


The Nevada Basin to Range Exchange (BRX) is a professional development networking opportunity designed to facilitate collaboration between rural and metropolitan communities in Nevada. The biennial in-person gathering provides a unique setting catered towards understanding, and cultural development between rural and metropolitan communities which promotes a stronger, interconnected cultural landscape statewide. 

Foster statewide relationships

BRX seeks to cultivate meaningful connections and relationships between rural and metropolitan communities across the state of Nevada. By bringing people together from diverse backgrounds, the program encourages dialogue, cooperation, and mutual understanding. 

Eliminate Common Stereotypes

BRX works to break down stereotypes and misconceptions that exist between Nevada’s rural and metropolitan communities. By promoting collaboration and shared experiences, the program aims to harvest a greater sense of unity and appreciation for the unique qualities of each community.

Amplify Assets, Traditions, and Histories

BRX highlights statewide resources that exist within both rural and metropolitan areas of Nevada. By showcasing the richness and uniqueness of each community, the program encourages cross-pollination of ideas and a deeper appreciation for Nevada’s cultural landscape. 

Identify Funding Streams and Partnerships

BRX actively explores new funding opportunities and cross-cultural partnerships to support community arts development. By connecting local community members from different regions of the state, the program aims to unlock untapped resources and new collaborative possibilities that can drive sustainable cultural initiatives. 

Promote Inter-Community Cultural Planning

BRX advocates for collaborative cultural planning and arts-based initiatives that enrich the lives of all residents. By encouraging cross-community projects, the program provides a sense of shared ownership and investment in cultural and economic development throughout Nevada. 

Enhances the Quality of Local Cultural Programming

BRX seeks to enhance the quality and diversity of local cultural programming in both rural and metropolitan areas. By providing opportunities for knowledge exchange, skill-building, and creative collaboration, the program aims to create artistic, cultural and accessible experiences available to residents. 

Strengthen Local Economies

The in-person BRX gathering helps to support local businesses, restaurants and museums primarily in rural settings to help increase tourism and local revenue. BRX attendees contribute not only to the economic vitality of Nevada both also help to enhance local community engagement.

Increase Community Development

Through a focus on arts, culture, economic prosperity and community placemaking. 


Interested applicants must register on the Nevada Arts Council Submittable platform in order to be considered for the convening and program. Applicants are then vetted and selected through internal staff review.  

After attending the in-person gathering, participants can (but are not required to) develop and pilot one cultural or community development exchange project that strengthens rural-metropolitan relationships. Funding through the Nevada Arts Council may be available based on the current year and fiscal grant cycle.  Outside funding opportunities are applicable to support the project.  


The program is for anyone interested in developing and sustaining in rural and metropolitan relationships in Nevada through the arts. This includes, but is not limited to Veterans, Health Care workers, Public Administrators, Seniors, Arts Organizers, Business Owners, Community Leaders, Educators, Arts Enthusiasts as well as representatives from Private and Public sectors. In other words, EVERYONE IS WELCOMED! 

*Due to limited capacity only one representative from an organization may be selected to participate. Please apply individually to be considered. 


The Nevada Basin to Range Exchange (BRX) convened in Ely, NV. April 17-19, 2023.  This year’s programming focused the theme of Legacy and how the arts can activate communities to honor the past, engage in the present, and design for the future. The concept of Legacy persists throughout the state, in arts and culture, and is explored by organizations in these videos.


I am just so thrilled you brought so many incredibly talented and thoughtful Nevada people to Ely. It was an honor to be included. I remain overwhelmed by the conversations and guided discussions that took place over the past few days. Ideas and travel plans continue to swim through my brain. (Where to start?) Things will never be the same again.

BRX 2023 Participant & Ely local

I loved meeting all the attendees of the program. It was so exciting to hear about all the exciting projects and programs from such passionate advocates for the arts. I benefited a great deal from learning about all the great work the Nevada Arts Council does.

BRX 2023 Participant

With the generous support from the National Endowment for the Arts, all participants received complimentary lodging at the historic Hotel Nevada for 3 nights. The $50 registration fee also served as an accessible component towards attendance. 

BRx Projects in action

2023 BRX Participants, Liz Woolsey (star Gazer Inn Nevada) and Joan Page (Art Barn It) come together in Baker, NV to host an event for a 2019 BRX Project, Nevada P.s. I Love You created by Bobbie Ann Howell of Nevada Humanities.

View video of this event here.

Coyote Visits Gerlach is a 2019 BRX project by Scott Hinton and Candy Webb.

BRX 2019 Participants in Tonopah, NV.

BRX in the Media

Watch the Virtual BRX Gathering Presentations.

Program to bring rural, urban art to launch in Tonopah

Nevada Wild Art Exhibit, with speakers from the Nevada Arts Council – BRX Program

BRX 2023 Photos